What type of professional events should you host to render thanks to your clients?

Your clients are indispensable for the longevity of your business. It’s because of them that your business exists and can manage to grow.  So, why not thanks them for their fidelity? In addition to regular small thoughts (like discounts, promotional gifts, being able to get the newest products before everyone, etc) think about hosting an event made especially for them. In this category, there is many options. Be sure that you choose the type of professional event that’s right for your customers.

The Gala / Cocktail

A classic in corporate events, the gala and cocktail are formal events, during which you can invite a multitude of clients. Mainly adapted for B2B , this type of professional event is mostly refined and sober. Classy outfits, a gentle atmosphere with music and gastronomy (a buffet or a meal served to each participant), really is a winning option.

To thanks your clients like it should, plan an official speech given by the proper represents of your company (CEO, Sales director, etc.). To add a bit of sparkle to your event, think about animating your cocktail (a special theme, charity gala, a dressed up evening, a ball, etc.)


Know that gourmet style events are really appreciated by all. If you want to thank your best customers, here are a few ideas they should love:

  • Wine tasting: visiting a wine cellar, an oenology session, a showing of how the wine is produced by the sommelier, etc.
  • Cooking classes: Street food, mixology, exotic meals, fine French gastronomy, etc.
  • Discovering local products: share local products and promote the quality and variety of those great discoveries.
  • Invite them to taste a meal that has been prepped by a reputable chef: served either in a restaurant, in your establishment or even in a rented local for the holidays.

Also, this type of event can be adapted to pretty much all types of customer (B2B or B2C, strict or dynamic, of all ages and all domains of expertise).  By choosing this option, you’re also choosing to have multiple possibilities opening up to you.


Leisure activities

The third idea is the leisure activities type of professional event. Ideal to strike a sensitive cord and to please your clients, this type of thanking event is a bit more original.

Here you can choose a conventional activity like a diner and a show, theater, night on a boat, a business Christmas market, a picnic in a park, a barbecue, etc. Or you can decide on idea that are a bit more original like role playing, improvisational theater with your guests, an escape game, an outdoor adventure quest,  sport completion, private evening in a spa, etc. In this type of professional event, you can even invite your client’s family members.

The organised evening

You’re not obligated to organise these types of events by yourself from A to Z. You can invite them to an existing event, and only take care of coordination:

Per example:

  • Organise a museum, an art gallery, or an historical landmark tour.
  • Reserve seats for a hockey match, a concert, or a fashion show.
  • Coordinate a night out to an amusement park or your town’s Christmas market.

All these options are really tempting! But remember you have to choose what type of event will be better suited for your customers, for your budget and for the branding and image you want people to see. Think about asking your network of partners to help you organise your event (suppliers, animation, etc.) In all cases, be sure to prepare an excellent thanking speech to leave them breathless.

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