4 ideas for a perfect office Christmas party

Because the holidays season means the beginning of a period of joy, full of love and sharing, organizing an office party for this occasion is an excellent way to improve the cohesion between colleagues and to show them all your appreciation for their great work throughout the year.  To organize this event, you don’t even have to get out of  your office, here’s  four ideas for a successful Christmas party that will represent the company’s spirit.

Organizing games and animation

Since you don’t want your Christmas party resembling to much a formal cocktail, but rather like a true party, it’s advised to host games and animations that will enlighten the party’s atmosphere and  spread the holiday cheer.  To make it memorable, be original and  plan animations that everyone will remember and look  forward too for the years to come.  For exemple:  a VR experience, hunting for Santa’s hat inside and outside your office, a class on how to fly a drone or even an hypnose session. According to your company’s nature, your field of activity or the employee’s profile, find the ideas that will delight them all.

Do a gift exchange

A Christmas party without distributing gifts is not a real party! To not have the stereotypical corporate gift that everyone will put aside and to entertain your collegues, it could be fun to give your employees a budget for a gift exchange.  A few weeks before the party,  organize a quick draw to know who’s going to buy a gift for who. You can even make it simpler by choosing a theme like “ a break well needed” or “my office is too boring”. Everyone writes down their name with a vague idea for a gift and let’s go, the draw can begin. Carefull, the one that picks the boss’s name will have an extra gift, and pressure!

Plan an amazing buffet

For Christmas, theirs no way you should serve only a few bites to your collegue and hosts. You have to be memorable and prolong the party by offering a meal worthy of it’s name. Because bites bring people together  for a special and gourmet moment, we bet on them and we prepare them in different forms. Salted, sweet, orginal and themed, you have to bet on your collegues senses  for a memorable evening. You have to choose a caterer or a specialized organisation whom will suggest a buffet adapted to the Party’s theme with thematic drinks.

Create an original atmosphere by decorating your office

Surprise your employees by creating their office space or  the chosen Christmas party area with a different decor then what they would usually expect.  Christmas is the Tree, Santa, ornements, but we can easily find a more original and personalized theme. You have one or more employee that aren’t from here? Ask them to join you to create a Christmas down south experience.  You can also choose a goofy Christmas or a fantasy one, or from another planet.  To be sure that your colleagues will appreciate the party you’re throwing them, you can send an anonymous survey a while before the event.

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