The4 MN (four business days in Montréal-Nord): is an event offering a 4 day activity program to promote entrepreneurship and stimulate an entrepreneurial dynamism in Montréal-Nord. It is with honors that 4 MN 2012 was distinguished as finalist for the excellence award in local development for 2013’s best move of the year during the Association des centres locaux de développement du Québec’s (ACLDQ). This event presents an innovative and entertaining program that will be held from November 11 to November 14, 2013.
CCIMN Elite Gala
The CCIMN Elite Gala is the 4 MN 2013’s closing event. It is in fact a contest for which the main goal is to publicly recognize Montréal-Nord’s organizations that distinguish themselves by their success and their implication towards the4 borough’s economical dynamism.
The event will highlight the achievements, the talent, the creativity, the innovation and the expansion of local businesses as well as sharing the pride of belonging that drives the major economic players in Montréal-Nord.
The Ice Palace as the main theme, organized by Momento events and hosted by 4MN spokes person Anne Marcotte and her co-host Marie-Josée Chouinard the event will be held on November 14 2013 from 5pm to 9pm.