Organization of a company barbecue: 5 ideas for your party

That’s it; the nice days have finally arrived! If this occasion makes you want to celebrate, bring together your employees to strengthen your team and have new informal exchanges, we offer you several different ideas for organizing a corporate barbecue in your image.


Barbecue like at home

For an out-of-the-ordinary corporate barbecue, like your innovative, creative and dynamic company, why not opt ​​for a real garden barbecue, like at home? In the garden of a restaurant or even in a park, organize a barbecue worthy of the name that starts with a relaxed reception of your employees with an aperitif. In the evening, the barbecue can then continue with nicely decorated tables set up directly on the lawn for a country atmosphere, ideally leaving the work atmosphere and more friendly exchange. Friendly and dynamic, the barbecue can be made up of grilled foods, brochettes of various kinds and salads, various and varied condiments, breads as well as pastries to finish the meal in style.

Culinary workshop

To boost your corporate BBQ even more, you can use cooks experts in grilled foods and brochettes. They can offer you an animation such as a culinary workshop as well as discover the best BBQ recipes for all your colleagues. The cooks will then share with those who wish to participate, their best tips for a luxurious barbecue. Guests can learn how to light a barbecue with ease, make delicious marinades for grilled meats and vegetables, grill chicken, sear a steak or cook seafood and barbecue fish like a chef!
Grilled insect tasting

Insects are already widely consumed in many parts of the world, but Entomophagy or consumption of insects for meals is a culinary practice newly in vogue in the West where it counts more and more initiates and pushes the curiosity of everyone. Indeed, because many chefs and researchers evoke the benefits of insect-based nutrition on health as well as on the environment, barbecuing insects is an original idea to add to your BBQ party to render it exceptional and memorable. Quebec seasoned grilled and directly grilled on the barbecue or cooked dishes made of insects will undoubtedly be sensational amongst your colleagues!


Dance Party

If you are not yet ready to embark on the adventure of tasting insects and want to stay understated and classic, you can always turn your corporate BBQ into an evening dancing with DJ and animation. Equally convincing, this idea generally appeals to everyone and is ideal for creating affinities, informal exchanges and great moments of conviviality. For an even more original dance party, you can also find a theme that resembles your employees and that will allow them to quickly get into the mood. If you have doubts about their musical tastes, ask for the services of a DJ who has a wide music selection, a host who plays all styles and who plays the classics that pleases all.


Food truck and activities

A new fashion that makes it possible to create its employee BBQs anywhere, company parking lot, park, parking of reception hall, etc. Food trucks: This mode of street trucks that serve a variety of street food, of which BBQ and ‘méchouis’ are a fashion that are here to stay.

Add to your BBQ event activities such as a treasure hunt, team building activity, inflatable games, giant games, Volleyball tournament, etc. There are no limits to the ideas to makethis summer event a day for your employees; a moment of informal pleasure that will remain engraved in their memory. Your employees will look forward to future editions!

If you are conquered by our ideas but you really need an ally to organize all these joyful animations, call on our passionate events team that will be happy to answer your expectations, to create the best corporate barbecue possible.

To see some of our corporate barbecue achievements:

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